Tuesday, December 14, 2010

when I was your age...

Through working in reception for the past year and just generally being alive for the past 18, I have come across my fair share of rude adults. Now I'm not talking about the average disrespectful 21 year old, I mean the 50 year old self-righteous male and the ignorant selfish middle aged housewife, the adult that seems to get their rocks off by vilifying and generally humiliating someone who is either trying to do their job, or is attempting to disseminate a situation in which they actually have no control over.

I'm not saying that all adults are rude, disrespectful assholes, I know plenty of people who do the right things, but it's those select few who manage to fuck up so badly that they've just pretty much ruined it for everyone.

It may not seem like it, but at work and amongst adults I'm not familiar with I am generally mild mannered and quiet, but in the past two weeks I've experienced pathetic excuses for human beings who have managed to put my personal safety in danger and make me lose faith in all mankind.

Example 1: middle aged road rage
As I was driving home one afternoon I approached a large four way roundabout, I recently got my green p's and I am quite paranoid about losing my license so as I did not have right of way I chose to wait till it was safe to enter said roundabout. After twenty seconds of waiting and it still not being safe, a large 4WD behind me begins to honk loudly, with the driver screaming from his open window 'HURRY THE FUCK UP'. I held my ground and continued to wait until the traffic had subsided, during this time 'angry man in 4WD' proceeded to reverse his car into the lane next to me, to speed into the roundabout, but not before giving me the finger as he went.

This was all in vain as I caught up to him as he was stuck at a set of traffic lights straight after the roundabout, rendering his little bitch fit pointless.

so neh neh neh.

Example 2: 'blind' texting
On Friday afternoon I caught the train home from Central station, as i sat down a visually impaired middle aged woman proceeded to walk onto the train using a 'white cane'. Naturally the man next to me proceeded to get up and offer the woman his seat, which she gladly took. However ten minutes later, this woman that was supposedly 'visually impaired' began to read a book which was not in braille, and text on her mobile phone obviously proving that she was about as blind as I am Barry White.

Makes me sick.

How dare you complain about 'the disrespectful, irresponsible natures of today's youth' or whatever shit it is that you spout whilst you're slaughtering kittens, pretending to be blind or something equally as heinous, don't you realize that one day whilst you're rotting away in state nursing homes or whining about your 'pensions' the people responsible for your welfare, the ones who will wipe your senile behinds and feed you indistinguishable mush are the exact same people you screamed profanities at through a car window twenty years ago?

Karma is a bitch.


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