Monday, January 10, 2011

i like boys

Codependency is the bane of my existence.

I don't see the need to be attached to the same person for extended periods of time, or to revert into a former shell of myself when they leave the room for longer than ten minutes. Over the holiday season whiny couples have infected the CBD like a particularly nasty case of herpes, spoiling my festive mood and generally making me feel as though I was some sort of inferior being, just because I hold the astonishing skill of being able to stand upright, without having to lean daintily on a 6ft tall blundering idiot whose main aspirations in life are 'CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS' and seeing how much Chivas Regal he can skull before he passes out in a pool of his own excrement.

Are you reading this blog and saying to yourself, "What is this bitch talking about, i'm in a perfectly fine relationship where none of the things she is talking about exists". My answer to you is, really? If you believe that your adolescent romance is forever then click the link underneath this post and do the quiz.

I dare you.


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