Monday, December 6, 2010


The older i have become and the wisdom i have achieved, i have come to realise that i dislike 98% of the children that i have come across.

yes i know what you're thinking. how can i hate children...well riddle me this how the hell cant i? they are loud, whiny, they don't clean after themselves and their endless stream of stupid questions, shit pick up a book! fricking learn some strategy!

yes i know, i know the procreation of children is essential to human survival yada yada but that dosent mean that parents to parade their poor lifestyle choices around the place. parenthood can only be compared to a cult! dont believe me well here are some prime examples:

1. a majority of your wage goes to them
2. all conversations with mother revolve around their spawn, the beliefs that it made them a better person and the fact that they doont know how they lived life before they pushed a bowling ball out a hole the size of a garden hose

dont get me wrong not all children are the bane of my existance as long as they dont get in my way and expect me to appreciate them..cause we arent kidding ourselves im not going too. why cant we be like america and have children free i do not mean over 18, i mean over 8!
what a wonderful, perfect world that must be....come on imagine it, a world in which a person spawn isnt crawling around covered in chocolate and screaming in restaurants, a world devoid of screaming children inside of a church (cause it isnt hard enough to pay atention) and my pet hate....children in libraries..yes i said it. GET OUT! if you cant read the chronicles of narnia then get the hell out of my site and out of my library!

i want to lobby for child free zones in Sydney...i want a world in which smoking in restaurants, drug taking at public facilities and public indecency is embraced not shunned.


peace out from your friendly neighbourhood warmonger


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