Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Since I've turned 18 and subsequently ventured into the big bad world, I've been metaphorically 'slapped in the face' with the realisation of how lousy my generation actually is. 

Drawing from valuable experiences such as losing consciousness in a public park to going to the lavatory under the watchful eyes of a youth 'tripping' on MDMA, I feel confident in saying that the future politicians, teachers and altogether 'leaders' of our great nation are actually a bunch of bumbling fools who would much rather attend the Starfuckers 'Rainforest Rave' than pick up a book.

God forbid that they may ingest something other than 'pingers'.

I don't plan on targeting just those who like to have too much of a good time, on the other side of the spectrum, we have the youth who have found religion. You know, the ones who have John:11-4 or some other irrelevant quote or bible passage pasted on their facebook for every Tom, Dick and Harry to see. The ones who didn't go to schoolies or don't associate with those who are 'wicked' so they could gather brownie points from the all-seeing vengeful God.

    - Taken from an actual facebook profile: I'm sorry love but i don't think Jesus has facebook nor would he particuarly appreciate being lumped in with groups such as "Kim Kardashian's Ass"

Don't get me wrong, I have no beef with God or Jesus they seem cool, whatever. 

I have beef with society.

You can believe whatever your little heart desires, but when you start missing out on things in life purely on the off-chance that you MIGHT get into heaven (if such a place even exists), or when you show up on my doorstep and interrupt my playstation time to preach the word of the lord is when it becomes ridiculous. 

If you choose to believe in something, it should be private and not forced on the rest of the world. So next time you ask me to come to 'exo day' cause it's actually 'really cool' or make me listen to some moronic hillsong album I plan on telling you where to shove it.

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