Monday, November 29, 2010

DEAL BREAKERS!!! do any of these and get no ass.

Chris Rock once said that a woman knows if she's going screw you within the first 5 minutes of meeting you...pffft it's more like 5 seconds.
So listen up men of Sydney and heed my advice. because everyday i see at least one douche committing these heinous crimes.
the polls have been counted, the sacrificial fire put out and here are 10 reasons why we cant sleep with you

10. because you wear linen pants
9. because you have a tribal armband tattoo
8.because you're a vegan
7.because you're a white dude who call other white dudes 'brother'
6.because you're a juggalo
5.because you wear dad (a.k.a jerry seinfield) jeans
4. because your great at conversational limericks
3.because your eyebrow pierced and the pussy ass hoop has a fricking coloured bead
2.because you're an 'actor'


1.Because you shave you're scrotum so close, it looks like a hairless cat!

well now you men of sydney take my advice...lord give me strength spread the word!
For all of you who haven't falling into this trap always be on the alert and help put an end to such happenings!

Peace out!
 Bambi. B

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