Monday, January 10, 2011

wikipedia is a modern GOD!!!!

In my bewilderment I turn to the only place in which I could get the answers…and lord give me strength I need answers. Wikipedia. Yes I know what your thinking but next year I’m gonna send a Valentines day card to Wikipedia, written in binary code and maybe one day we can settle down together and have wiki babies and live wikialy ever after. Then it hit me wikipedia is like a modern version god!

he gives us answers and asks very little of us back, accept that we devote our life to him and never turn to another. but you shant fear wikipedia every since i turned to your neon, pixilated glow i have never doubted you! and i hope you never doubt my devotion to you. you have been there with me when i have done last minute assignments to give me references that i can then add discretely into my essay and pretend i myself am in actuality a hard working student. no thank you wikipedia!

i love you! you have the made the lives of people around the world very happy from the bored Sydney house wife that sits at home drinking whisky out of a pastel teapot to the young 12 year old searching for sex information that can be found on wikipedia's sister site wiki after dark.

i will stand by you against everything when everyone else may doubt you. you must know that i myself will never leave you. who else will help me cheat and give me unnecessary advice and fun facts about movies and music and the people that i love to hate.


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